Monday, December 17, 2007

I'm Coming HOME - 3 days!!!

I am pretty excited as I will be flying home on Friday. I am not looking forward to the flight thats forsure!! It is going to be a packed flight. I have been working way too much lately - we really need to get some more people in the office and some more structure... at this point i am playing the role of what 4 people in the states would do...we all are just working too much!!

Been doing lots of fun things lately - as you can see from all my pictures I post...trying to keep on it! I have been trying all kinds of food - had my first full on Indian food experience, yum! I still cant believe how expensive everything is...still a 6 pack of Corona for $20....a good case for $50, just crazy!! You kind of just become immune to it after awhile and learn where to go / what to buy.... other than that still learning a lot about the culture and their views about tends to be the topic of conversation.... Everyday I learn more about the Aussie slang and shortening of everything. It is also interesting about how they refer and view the country people of Oz - so the Westies are anyone outside the city and are the butt of a lot of jokes. This show called Kath and Kim plays on the accent/lifestyle of the Aussie hicks - its a great show, good laughs... But there are some thick accents that the show plays on "Ohhh my gawwwd" :) I really do not hear the accents too much now, just normal.
OH and it is not Z but rather" Zed", H is "heych".
I can not wait to be home, get a sense of familiarity, know where to go, understand everything, use regular money....home sweet home!! I cant wait to see my family, my cat, my ollie, friends, and hear some country music at the good ole Little Red Hen.
Happy Holidays!! I will be back to posting after my trip!!

Office Christmas Party Weekend

BBQ on Bronte Friday Afternoon - sooo much fun! Went for my second swim in the ocean - we went in the waves but it was like a wash machine out there...I ended up in this section blocked by rocks, nice little swim, very relaxing. Played volleyball, cricket, footy and some Frisbee. Lot of fun, good to get out of the office before it was dark out....

Jen and I on the left - the "star" of my blog postings joke, haha.
Kai below is trying to be quite the stud or something :)


Ali's Double fisted

Jane, me, Claudia and Jen

Stephan broke his collar bone during a break away Tri (touchdown) while playing footy - totally unecessary jump dive, roll which turned out to be bad news!! ouch.

Went to my first Cricket game - had box seats; however a taste of seattle weather hit and the game was bascially cancelled. We got to see a few plays....this game last 8 hours?!?! crazy. Anyway the Washington weather keeps creeping into the forecast...I hear it is not typical, kind of like the Moth were not typical. We got free food, good drinks and some time with our clients, Aussie.

I love Snorkeling!!!

After dinner on Saturday night Kristen and I decided to go out on the town for some dancing...where else but Kings Cross. Lets just say our curfew was broken but a good 5 hours!

The next morning Kai, Ben and I went snorkeling at Covelly Beach - I was pretty scared once I got there. I figured I just wont go... the guys were great and walked me through everything. This essentially is my first time in the ocean and in Australia!! The concept of not being able to breath out my nose was took some time to relax about. This beach is a cove with rocks blocking the waves, and there were people all over so it was reassuring. I just took my time but once I got it....i was hooked!!! I love it, i cant believe how amazing, you just float, relaxing on top of the water while seeing this other world below....such a wonderful experience. I saw all kinds of fish...but not too many to freak me out. I am scared of fish really but this was great... bright colors - lime green strips and black, yellow, orange but the best part was a HUGE boulder size blue fish...that doesnt bit - AMAZING!

After the snorkel we walked to Bronte beach for a BBQ - great walk. There is this large cemetery along the way, has more magnitude in person...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

More holiday parties - lunch at North Bondi

Nothing like getting out for a holiday lunch...on Bondi Beach. After lunch we ventured up to a random party which happened to be My Space - we crashed it :) Full on event with a live band and great setting. Good Times!

Opera House Bar

Happy hour on Friday after another long week at work. It is a perfect Sydney setting - lots of people, good food, drinks and write in the prime Opera House/Harbor Bridge sorroundings.

Met several of my co worker Janes friends - very nice people. The jaegar bomb is just as popular down under :) I am bringing my nickname back to life here. Where there jaegar bomb there is usually Kings Cross, ended up dancing the night away again.

The police station had a light projecting christmas color scenes - it was interesting, the building had to have some kind of paint or something to reflect, the neighboring buildings didnt have any color on it.

Jane and I on the train - no taxes were around, lots going on it the city! The holiday feeling is in the air, everyones out and about.

Crazy, Sexy, Cool

Good friends, good fun and lots of laughs. Vas, Kristen and I ventured around for a low key evening... breaking out the camera for some silly photos....

There is NO police station that - ignore the sign. Even more silliness on the stroll home, we sang oldies songs - Ba Ba Ba Barbar ann... um no real reason but why not...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Misc Pics from Jodie

I love the beach

Welcome to Summer party - met some good friends

Kai hall surfing after helping me unload my ikea stuff - too funny not to post :)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Creepy Crawlers at Work!!

Work!!! Below is Hank our office dog, and the most emotional, picky dog...he chooses who he wants to be friendly too... if your lucky he will let you throw the ball for him.

YUCK!! Bloody big bugs here!

Big storms have been hitting Sydney - getting the tropical rain...when the streets turn to rivers. The crazy thing is that it really is not humid or that hot here. Very similar to a Seattle Summer - I know it is just getting into the Summer and hot weather but I just expected more Florida humid hot weather, its really not like that. I still wear pants and sweatshirt some nights. It is still chilly but good. It is a hiden jewel - I am glad it is not too hot...