Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Trip Home - July 08

Ok I have got a new posting method - slide shows! Seems to be working. Whoo hoo - its easier.

My trip was a amazing - a whirl wind of fun, excitement, family, friends, etcetc. I did not get to see everyone I hope but I fit A LOT IN! Flight was pretty good - didnt sleep going but coming back was good. Sucked going thru canada and 2 customs...

First night - saw everyone, everything - overwhelmed...the best was running off the plane and huggin/cryin with my dad and mother - it was one of the highlights! Oh and the little things - being on I-5, the tacoma dome, my folks house, all my extended family, JACKIE, country music, home cookin, cooners my cat, my ride, camping at little natchez, riding my dirt bike, seeing the blue angels fly, being back in the office...amazing!

Slide show goes thru the highlights and the trip - 35 weekends and I will be home again. Family Reunion - Getting Hitch 09, Megs/Scoots wedding.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Im Coming Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been on count down for over 3 months!! I am wrapping up things tonight - including this darn blog that takes sooo much time to do! I cant believe I fly home tomorrow! I have been consumed with excitement. Its been a lot of work these past few weeks getting ready, buying gifts, getting everything closed down at work and home. I AM READY. Suitcase is about to be closed!

I am nervous to fly but if something happens it was meant to be! I dont have to work for 2 weeks! whoo hoo. Did happy hour with everyone after work, then went to a cool play with Kristen. This is the intimate theater I usually go with Jen to - she was at cirque du soleil tonight. The play was An Oak Tree - different actor every night and no rehearsing...the audience learns about the story with the actor is constant to guide this other actor..anyway very cool.
I cant wait to be in summer, see my family, my cat, my car (ollie), my best friend, my parents house, seattle, other friends, the blue angels fly!! SOOO excited. Wish me luck on my 24 hour door to door adventure!
Good bye Sydney - hello 253...what what USA bound! Roll out..below is my OOO
Fri Aug 25th, to Fri Aug 8th:
Yes, I am on annual leave. The following will redirect you to the proper place in my absence -

Click Here - If you want to afford a holiday like mine:
Click Here - If you're jealous I will be in summer, start getting ready for Sydney's:
Click Here - To get the capability to track me on GPS
Click Here - If my absence has created a void - go for a joy ride
Click Here - In order to leave a message hit me up on Facebook

OR, if you have not joined the Facebook craze call Michael Buckley or Elodie Blanc on 9380 9317

Yes, all of the links are Atlas Tracked and will be reported on when I return (including graphically representation with trending analysis).

Representin the USA

4th of July down under - all the expats banned today and represented!! Brooke was prepared - played some football (not grid iron) in the office! Boozie lunch gone right! Good old hamburger pizza joint in the cross..

beer thirty all hands - we joined together for the singing of the entire national anthem!! brooke lead, I was responsible to wave the flag. classic

someone actually took the flag out of my hair during the night and threw it on the ground!! um not a good idea given we had over 30 people there....Brooke sorted him out with a quickness.

Hmmm same shirt - nice coordination, way to pass on the memo saunders!

I was keen to find out the decorator - looking to hire them when I get my new flat this spring.

JB's again!!

Its really not ok to go out dancing til 5 - in an All American t-shirt...Jenn busted out a new shirt, I walked on my tip toe like I had heels on...awesome.

Had to throw this pic in - Kris and I finally got to the Fish Called Pado - she is looking to open one of these in SF, been hearing all about it for months. Went to dinner caught a "soul show" at the basement, which I figure bluesy type action, however I guess soul in Oz is 70's meet crack head...a little disappointed but still fun

Charity event - RSPCA at the casino. Found my next ride - hunted for a suga daddy to buy it luck.

another picturesque view before the night - I did my talent time this friday!!! So nervous all day - did some cheerleading for the company....sticking to the 4th of july american culture theme...I may posted a video of it but I still cant watch it myself! I had to think all week to remember cheers - ooooh the good ole days - i truly miss it!

OH we made it in the social pages of the sunday newspaper - continuing my streak of the 5 min of fame. Still trying to get my hands on a copy.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Melbourne Weekend Trip

Another trip - went to Melbourne the 2nd biggest city in Australia...southern Oz about 4MM peeps.

Went down cause Wicked was playing and also just wanted to check it out. "worked" from the Cafes on Friday - jodie and kai were there so we stayed together.

Melbourne is all about the cafes, niche streets, small funky bars, art and theater. The city has a great tram and troll system - kind of San Fran isk.

Big Lesson Learned - never travel without cash!! got an early flight and had no cash for the bus into the credit card wasnt working... i was stuck!! with a stroke of luck, some prayer and a few tears I was on my way into town.

Riding the high of a holiday weekend ahead - it was gorgeous day!

Did some cafe hopin - i've been on detox for a few weeks, couldnt hold this for the long weekend. A few good cappuccinos - I zipped thru some work, took in the cafe vibe...

Then.... I hear my name..sure enough Kai strolls in... What is the chance?!?! He was done with some meeting walking around and saw me in the Octane Cafe.

This is where I posted for a bit...

Kai and I did a yummy lunch - the hamburger monster didnt help with lunch direction..we wondered around, checked out a lot of the Shopping Arcades....
Found a side lane with some good stops - had lunch as the italian man callin me bella was a sign...good people, good food.

Cutest "street helpers" - gave us some advice (directions to the local pub).

Why not add some suga to the caffine high - yum!

Funky federation square for the next pub stop- a brewery.

Directions took us to the oldest pub in Melbourne (named after the naked chick in the pic).

Jodies arrives!! Finally done with work, took some time for her to de stress!

The street shows and art were fun - lots of culture. Went to a relaxing wine bar, strolled into a place that had some good live music that was pouring out of it ... and there were JAEGER BOMBs on special - what is the chance..had to do it for old time sake! JB down under - what what

Old skool game convention going on - mario, zelda, pac man...the good ole days...

Kai gettin some air next to mario the next day....sick

Sweet home alabama...

Ride that pony - its kind of like a mechanical bull... or not.

After the JB's the night got crazy :) rode a carousal ride, met K-fed v2...imagine if I brought this one yeah dating a carousal operator.

Runnin-a-muck in Melbourne!!

Food = good idea! yet another cute little alley/lane... yummy thai food, live band, drunken entertainment...lots of action

Kai found his old car!!!! I miss Ollie

Day 2:
Breaky in the morning on the river side with some birds - fed one and the whole flock joined...felt bad so i shared half my meal. Its funny how birds are always indoors here - I remember that in florida too, something about tropical places I guess.

Visited the aquarium - so overrated. Kids everywhere!! I basically ran through it, enjoyed a few exhibits.

Next stop botanical gardens...not as good as Sydney's but relaxed and read.

Very Fall - love the colors.

walked to St Kilda - down shopping district Chapel Street, sat at orange cafe for a long lunch, continued on to the pier... beautiful swan and I saw a penguin!!

After figuring out the tram system and not getting too lost - the city is not as friendly as I was ones really helpful. Went to a show (Guys and Dolls), did this by myself - very liberating. Lovely time, famous actor from an Aussie classic was ok.

Next day - full on with Kai and Jodes...more fun art...

Street side digial touch info - emerging media...suprised to see this in Oz never heard of this in the states...

More cafe culture..

Went up in the tallest building in the southern hemisphere - puts the city into perspective...

Federation square from above

main catholic church from above - st joseph or something

Botenical gardens above

Riding a statue - hmm guess I am really gearing up for Cowgirls when I got home soon!!

Tallest building we we up in...

Not big on the elevators especially when Kai is big fear.

end of the world library contemporary street art

Jet Star - action shot (for all u non-aussie, its an ad for a local airline)

My first walmart - I miss home...safeway!! we wanted to buy something just to do it...had to swing in for a little taste of home.

Princess theater - where I saw Guy n dolls night prior.

Wicked - amazing play! such a good time. drank some glowing ozmopolitans.

sad...dont want to go home

BYE Melbourne!!!

Piece of advice - Dont take the last flight out - noise restrictions in sydney almost grounded us in the city for another windy and jumped on a late know they are rush and not checking what they should...a few drinks into it I did alright.
Great, action packed weekend!