Friday, September 28, 2007

I Made It!!! Tracy's Down Under

G'day Mates!!

After months of organizing, planning, stress and emotions...I am finally here. As most know I am scared to fly so it was a blessing in disguise I did not actually know I was flying Monday (9/24) until that morning (I did not know about my visa until Friday, on Saturday night I found out Hawaii was not going to work because my 4 pieces of luggage (70 llbs) would not have transferred to my connecting flight, changed my flight Sunday which was finalized Monday).

After some tearful goodbyes to my mom, a few drinks with dad at the airport I was off to San Fran. I had to run to catch my connecting flight and was the last row (was empty) was my first time flying alone, internationally and on a jumbo... I was asleep before my first glass of wine was done, slept on/off for 10 hours or more. We did hit some crazy bumps but it was alright.

I felt well rested after landing in the airport and excited so when I found out my luggage was lost I did not freak out :) They gave me $100 for my inconvenience so that was nice. I was stuck in customs area for a few hours until a nice Aussie Guard helped me out...I had a man waiting with a sign for T Jarvis outside the gate. He was a local so gave me a verbal overview of everything on the ride to the hotel. The whole steering wheel on the right and driving on the left is pretty trippy. Why did one ever decide this would vary in different countries...

Hotel was a nightmare - paid for a room Tuesday so I could be accommodated at 8am vs 2 in the afternoon...there was mass construction going on so got a free breakfast and another room higher up which is nice. First thing I did was test the toilet (as requested) - at this point the verdict is still out whether it flushes the opposite way! I will test at my apartment (when I get one). I will post pictures and videos soon as well. After sleeping the entire first day, I got out of the room at night and wondered around. I found the Harbor Bridge and walked a little further to a breathtaking view of the Opera house - it is truly much different in person...huge, stunning, on my outing I was very happy to find some tastes of home - Starbucks, McDonalds, Baskins and Robins, 711....over the next few days I found Target, Kmart, Tony Romas, Subway and when I found Payless it felt even more like Seattle (except the shoes start at $29 and upwards of $70...seriously in payless). The city feels like Seattle with everything costing like New York... a regular soda was close to $3 AUD and a bottled water $3...but as I get acclimated I am sure there are cheaper places to shop.

I walked through the Botanical Gardens which was amazing...the plants, animals, people...very cool! Met up with Kai and Jodi for lunch - so good to see some familiar faces! Kai gave me a map so I am no longer flying blind around this new city. We ended up visiting the office since I did not have my luggage I was looking a little frazzled. The office is small and no real individual place to work but everyone seems very nice.

Hyde Park is a cool area - lots of stuff going on. I watched a life size game of chest that the locals say goes on everyday. The Cathedral was moving; huge stain glass windows - the magnitude of the building was beautiful. I hope to attend a service even though I usually enjoy a smaller church this would be an experience.

I have so much more to say but it is getting late and I have to be up early to go look at 2 apartments. The apartment situation is a whole other story :)

Cheers - I will post more soon... And to think it is only day 3 tomorrow...