Sunday, August 31, 2008

Some call it bad luck, I call it life

Some of my recent life stats:
  • Move to Sydney - week 1 the first ever Moth epidemic hits the city
  • First Summer here - it rained the most it has in 70 some years
  • First Winter here - the coldest in 97 years or something (granted min was like 50)
  • Travelled to Surfers Paradise - the 1 day I am there is the 1-of-3 days a year it rains
  • When I vacationed in Florida a hurricane hit, the next yr in Wisconsin a tornado hits

Thats the way the cookie crumbles - make lemonade somehow from limes or grab some salt and tequila...a good friend and hit the town!

Like the saying goes, What doesnt kill you....oh well the moth thing might end up killing me, all the poisons from the bug bombs and mothball crap (for those not keeping up w/ the blog i set off 4 bug bombs and threw poison accidentally all over my new apt during the moth situation in Oct last yr).
Annnd all the rain over last summer was a was sydney making me at home...blah blah positive. It sucked!!

My philosophy - it might be the marketer in me - but like the 5 P's we learn about in uni/college (sensitive to my Australia and US readers): Perspective, perception, positivism, prayer, and a few bottles of pinot...

Hit f5 - refresh if the slide show has stopped:

Thredbo Ski Weekend - like days thru the hourglass

Bikram Seminar

Went to the Bikram seminar - the Bikram was here to talk and teach. He was not exactly as I hoped - very caught in the money and power...not really the essence of what yoga means. Drives a bently, mansion in beverly hills, promotes little eating and no drinking of water, spoke about himself like he was a god, could read the time cause there were too many diamonds on his watch...BLAH, anyway I still believe in the practice just dont care for him.

I am reading a good book now - The Power of Now. It really makes one think how we focus so much time/effort on what has happen... or will happen: stuck in the past or present not the now:
"the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation"
"the past gives you an identity and the future holds the promise of salvation or fulfilment"

Its such a relief or rather exciting when these things just cause a light bulb of realization. What the book calls Enlightenment... we waste so much time caught in this wicked web - letting emotions control life. I am working on not letting jealously, hate, angry...all that stuff control me. It is not easy but important to live by and understand.

Update - all things

Work is going well - we are starting to get a structured team in place and I am not working too much. Love the company and the people. The resident puppy is growing up and not leaving so many surprises under my desk. The barking during client calls is still a little much...or when the older dog fights the new pup...creates some ruckus.
Amnesia was the first to get the Surface Table...2 for them for that matter
( It has created quite a buzz around say the least.
Ive taken on some more big clients, Carnival Cruises is my latest - getting more strategy client opportunities. I've made some good friends - I always seems to meet more a long the way. Met more people in 1 year than 6 in Seattle; transient environment leads more outgoing, connecting attitudes i guess.
Going on holiday beginning of October but we havent figured out where just yet.
Bali over Christmas is in the works - yoga/spa retreat in Ubud, snorkeling, surfing, elephant safari, rafting, excited!
Addicted to Bikram Yoga and being healthy- which is good as bikini season is quickly approaching. "Being in the Now" as much as possible - content and happy (marriage between mind, body and spirit).
Big thing on my mind this month is getting a new apartment or not. Oct 15 will be a year in this place! It is convenient and the thought of moving is daunting, especially in Oz. I mentioned this but the market here is crazy - real estate agents dont help, you stand in line on saturday morning during the 15 min allotted time, money in hand...ridic!! I will move if i am on the beach...furnished, big closet, no loud neighbors, grocery near by and under $400 a week...just a few basics :)