Monday, May 17, 2010

what I learned in london in my first week...

Never leave home without...
- the tube map - az street guide aka "the bible"
- a jacket / layers as the weather is schizophrenic..sunny, cold, windy...just like washington /home
- obviously an umbrella
-Tube or Oyster Pass which gets you on buses as well.
-lots of money as it flys out the wallet, very expensive but similar to sydney

I am working on banks accounts, getting set up at a doctor, gym, etc. Embracing this time of transition - the excitement bit is the best. I feel like everything will just fall into place...friends, life... fingers crossed. so far again megan has been amazing she reminds me a lot like my aussie sister Jen...sniffle. i feel so grateful and lucky thus far.

Ankle is stiff, annoying but ready to get back to norm. cant wait for bikram yoga!

Its funny as the transition isnt so hard as there are so many similarities with australia. As I did in Oz I am keeping are a few thus far:
- the "boot" in australia was the trunk of a it is the pharmacy (known as the chemist in Oz)
- not so many new words yet:
*really/bloody/jolly nice

more to come...

First day of work....check

Well the must anticipated first day of school arrived....and its all good as I knew it would be. But it is always nerve racking isnt it?! I just set up shop and started getting downloaded on my new clients. I will be working on one client that I know inside and out - worked on them before (cant disclose yet as this blog is so public I am sure it would get out...not). However just being cautious as the client doesnt know yet.

Starwood hotels is my other big client. Lots to learn here but eager to get my brain moving again as 3 months off makes me need some intellectual work.

Office is big, open, lots of people. I was impressed with the structure, process but typically slow start was expected (no computer, etc). As expected this is a mix between the States and the Aussie market in terms of work ethic, market size, etc. It will be a challenge. Lots more resources as well which is exciting.
I am positive going into day 2....ready for routine, healthy living (need to lose this "broken ankel weight" as i call it) and starting life :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

I made it to London Town

The last few days at home flew - family time, packing and tearful goodbyes. The flight was soo smooth and was only 9 hours. I got in feeling a little sick and tired - the cab was LONG as there was so much traffic. And they cabs are so funny looking - like little top hats, will post pics soon.

I arrived, met Megan who has helped in so many ways...i owe her. sooo sweet. i saw my new flat which is big and cute! so central london.

I showered and crashed. woke up to meet my new flatmate and watch some tv. This will be my first roommate ever, i think it will be ok. the place is good, easy, he is never home and we have a weekly cleaner which is amazing.

After a nights sleep in I headed out, walked around, got on the infamous tube the Marble Arch where I got on the double decker city tour. got to see all the spots - Big Ben, London Eye, London Bridge, financial district, buckingham palace, etcetc. Oh and I got a phone - good to get connect again. Oxford street is many people in london! I met up with Jenn and Conrad at the Slaughtered lamb for drinks and dinner- i work with her in Seattle. Was so good to see a familar face!!

ok first impressions - London is flat! the old buildings mixed with new is very cool, so much history, people people people, the emergency vehicles are funky sounding, and have neon yellow squares (reached by triple 9 not 911, not 000 as in australia) with only blue red. Massive, not a lot of trees/birds at least where i am now, churches and pubs on every corner...

The jet lag is pretty bad, just sleeping and relaxing until I start work very soon. I was going to head to paris for a few days but decided to take it easy. feeling a cold looming.
Exploring st pauls cathedral and to notting hill today. Everything going well thus to come soon.