Friday, September 26, 2008

Is this Wollongong or Vegas - Road Trip!

Spontaneous road trip pulled together friday night for a sat to sun adventure. Headed south Aussie to check it out - 2 hours. Kai had a google map build out that we just followed. Went through the 2nd oldest national park in the world - Royal. Were hungry so we ended up driving straight to food in Stanwell, grab Corona and laid out to soak up the 90 degree sun and listened to some tunes. We were going to hang glide but the wind was not right all weekend - sad! I mean I am a little happy cause I would have been freaked!! Prob puke on myself but id do it. Saving that for an upcoming weekend.

Hit Wollongong that night - luckily drove around and found a good hotel. Dude we thought this was going to be a lil one horse town, hit a pub, talk to the locals and call it a night. Nope! Vegas / LA out there - Ive never seen so many beautiful people...wild! Everyone was super nice. Hit a brewery for food/beer, then what we thought would be go to a small bar. negative again - Played pool, danced til all hours of the night. met a stalker (cute guy that has called 9 times, 2 text in less than a week)- my luck. Good times!!

Beach time on sunday after a champers breakfast - got pulled over!! Breathalyzer tested and all. Crazy. If we would have had one more (which we intended) we'd be in jail - scared us straight! Checked out the Buddha temple and treewalk in Jimberoo (very eastern washington - walla walla ish).

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