Monday, January 5, 2009

Bali Adventure - days 6 thru 12

The day of silence continued until Breakfast the next morning. We got up at 4am!! crazy i know - drove 45 minutes up into the mountains, i was so tired I didnt want to talk.

What a beautiful site - driving up the country was coming alive. Family and children walking, opening shops, etc

We did yoga as the sun rose over the volcano's - seriously I was there, I did that...OMG. It was an unforgettable moment.

As it got light the valley revealed itself - this Memoirs of a Geisha house appeared.

After breakfast over looking the mountains we got sorted with bikes and helmets for our adventure down...

This had to be a major highlight for me - it was sooo much fun to be on the backroads, driving by workers, construction, temples, family, children running out to say Hi!!

We got the opportunity to tour through a few villages.

This old women was sweeping - OH the sweeping I forget to mentioned every where all day I heard someone sweeping.

This was the "special place" of this village - the guide bet us we could not guess what was in here...he was right. The placenta of the babies get "buried" here. This is the only village in town that has this ceremony.

There were lots of trashed in some areas and chickens running around. This little boy was trying to peak over one of the girls shoulder to see in her view finding of her camera. I showed him this picture so he could see himself, he was wide eyed...

Little shops along the way

We got to go deeper into this village - I felt a little bad to be taking picture and invading on their day. One boy couldnt stop crying at our sight - white devil we were. It was super cool to see their living room - 7x7 foot outdoor area with a few trophies, chair, dinning table...

This culture works hard and do not have much. I talked to many about every traveling to Australia - they would always reply in my dreams.

Massive - wish there was perspective as this was like the size of my fist.

Stopped at a art shop to rest - gorgeous rice field surrounded us.

Dropped our bikes and did a hike back

Our Guide - we asked him if he had a family - Ohhh yes I have 2 and 2 kids...I want more though. The wives have to approve additional wives but i fell they are so kind and wanting to make them happy they could not deny this.

The first night we had tea and dessert in the Palace at the retreat - after the adventure I went for a swim and here for pictures. can I just mention that I did all this and its only like 2..
And also this is Christmas Eve - the most amazing experience! Crazy

The prince in his thirties got the calling to be a dancer - he is now travels around putting on a show - he is part of a 2 person costume - the Barong. At the palace you can see one of the mask on display - also view my video below of one of the dances. The one he does it authentic vs just a tourist thing. True dances are taken seriously and can take days - very tiring and ceremonial experience.

This is where we sat for tea and the first night chat. Claude is the one the help me months prior to sort everything for the trip. He came in the first and last day. He was an interesting man that talked a lot about the culture and experience.
The firstborn is "Wayan" (or Yan, for short), second is "Made," third is "Nyoman" (Man for short), and fourth is "Ketut". Then they start over at Wayan - lots of people will take on a unique name in order to differentiate including their family name. When talking to the tourist they use Western names for sake of conversation and selling - my first women I met was Susan.

This is the Prince.

Typically people are not married until pregnant - it is all about being able to bare children. Once married the women moves into the man villages thats where she belongs - does all her ceremonies, rituals work, lives, etc.

There is never a day in Bali without a ceremony of some kind plus the life cycle rites (baby ceremonies, puberty rites, weddings, cremations,Temple festivals). They have the day of money, day of the car, and one I saw was day of the Beach where everyone in the country drives to a beach. Once a year the entire country go in silence - no tv, reading, music, etc.

There are rituals from before birth - one interesting one is the first 3 months a baby is not set on the ground.
Tooth filing: In their late teens, Balinese get the top middle teeth filed; this symbolizes the filing away of greed, anger, lust, drunkenness, envy and confusion.
Death is the most important one - the cremation is when the soul is released and is very expensive. Some times hundreds of people will be cremated at once - they can be buried up to 5 years before the soul is condemned. This keeps everything moving in Bali - everything is done to ensure this Wish is Fullfill - there soul is released.

It would seem that the Balinese live a casual life, however, everything has its place, In Balinese belief, anything below (kelod [such as feet, south as in ocean]) carries negative connotations or evil. This also carries over into their belief of the spirit world in which anything above (north or skyward) is good and anything south (below ground) is evil. Even in sleep, they orient their heads (kaja) toward the north or east.
More history: Indonesia is 3,200 miles long, contains over 17,000 islands and has 100 active volcanoes. Over 240 MM people but within Bali there are 3.1MM. One interesting thing I heard was at all times there are over 3MM incense burning - 1 for every person.
I could spend lots of time explanation how unique, wonderful, hardworking, spiritual, interesting the people of this culture are. The energy was undeniable - at first glance you think their beliefs might seem obscure but in reality it is beautiful. To appreciate everything for the energy it has - the millions of atom that make up something as small as a piece of fabric, which is made up of continuously moving neutrons and protons. All of it has power - recognizing and respecting this is honorable. The little things that fill our heads - the commentary that control us is pulls us from the true meanings of life, the peace that is around us. Bali helped me find this, the zen, the power of Now.

The yoga was not too hard but I felt healthy - detoxed, mentally and physically.

Rice - kind of crazy to see this and know what we eat comes from here. This was seen on one of the walks we took one afternoon.

There was some amazing women on this retreat - from all walks of life, different countries, ages, experiences. It was so interesting to walk, talk and hear their stories. I was the baby of the group.

Had a lovely organic lunch in the middle of this rice field. No real road per say to get here.

There were lots of art and shops along the way.

The restaurant

The last night we got into some fun yoga poses - headstands, and other things I havent done. Had some good laughs and great pics!

We did a few meditation circles - very powerful energy. The last night we had a laughing fit - Kirsten started chuckling, then I got the major giggles which i was trying so hard to think of horrible things but the more i tried to stop the weirdier the noises were...then the giggle bug caught on and the whole circle was laughing. The meditation was stopped and we busted up laughing - crying! What started is was that Kirsten was trying to invision being on a desert watching the sea of thoughts go by...she then start thinkin if the next resort would have a swim up bar.

The 2 retreat leaders

The last dinner - was weird to put make up on. This is the group!

this was also Christmas - it was so different to be away from family. My first time. I brought a card Jackie sent me and it was perfect. It read something along the lines I hope you are in a peaceful place and played out loud silent night. It was the first time i felt the xmas spirit - missing home, missing her, missing the snow and christmas!

The last day we took our "papers" that contain negative things, the things we wanted to burn out of our lives. Some were really here to get away, to get through tough experience, and it was a journey we all took together. It was hard to watch and the tears and pain were evident.

We gto back in our ritual get-up, and did an arts and craft class :) we got to put together an offering ourselves.

Mine was beautiful huh

We took the ash to the bottom of the retreat - it was covered with special flowers in a basket - Iyan (leader) went below with the basket and put it in the river to wash these things away - out to sea. There were more flowers through from above as Iyan sang a Baliense Song. It was emotional and very special....

We gave our offering we made

One of the things I toyed with was seeing the Medicine Man from Eat, Love, Pray. However Claude informed us he is a bit commericalized and there was a real village healer. A few women were interested so we went!

Check out these Harry Potter owls - there eyes blinked a different times, very COOL

The bathoom - really what are we suppose to do with the bucket within a bucket...

This old man was real - felt like a grandpa.

Jo was a photographer from Hong Kong - very artistic and eccentric...lots of fun and really keep the group on our toes. Her continous stream of questions were comical at times :)

The medicine man made some mixture with wood and coal - to only spit it on her face! Crazy - it warmed up and was suppose to help the air flow to her brain.

First he feels your head - ears, nasal, see what is wrong, mostly physical things. He looks at me and goes "nothing is wrong with you, why do you come to see me, what can I do for you". I said "you tell me"...

Next you lay down and he takes a stick to push on certain areas of your foot. These area match to organs and places on the body. If you feel pain something is wrong with that area. A few women got a few plant oils and things to help with the pain. He would chant and once he did these things - touched in the same spot no pain!! It was hard to see the agnoy and I was NOT looking forward to it. I also did not know about Reflexology which kind of what he was doing - he seem pretty legit though.

He did his thing and I had no pain - again he asked me what I needed. I was relieved nothing was wrong and told him that I could use a soul mate - true love. He touch a spot on my foot and this shot incredible amount of pain through my body - something I dont want to feel again. Kind of like chewing on foil with a tooth filling - shocking lightening bolts.

He said my head was not connecting with my body. He had a hard time getting his point across. Without getting so into his wording - essentially i went to a jungle in Bali to see a healer to be told to "pleasure myself...daily" I debated telling this story on here but it was hilarous.

Beers with Sara here after - the outside world! We had a great chat - amazing person! A teacher from Caines. We watch these little children practice a dance infront of this temple.

We watched a traditional dance - see videos

It was cool but seriously the music is SO annoying - chiaos, high pitches clanging!

In one day I was at that other toliet then was at this one - there were gold fish.

Got a bit of Bali Belly this night - prayed it turned into nothing. Heidi (in the white) was sick most of the time with a seriously sickness. Poor thing!

Time to leave UBUD :(

Headed to Taro - 45 min with a Driver. Went to Elephant Park - walked around. Felt bad they were tied up but I still enjoy the walk.

On my Ride! Little houses and action on the way

About 30 minute ride. One thing my steerer told me was they dont really like dogs - sure enough we turned a corner and stray dogs ran ride at us! My adrenaline was pumping! i threw out som cuss words - the elephant stomped and reared - yelling at those dogs!

He put the Lay around my neck!

babies playing

I made it to Kuta - through all the traffic from the people making there way to the Beach as it was Day of the Beach :)

I got the honeymoon suite - awesome...maybe with the Medicine Man blessing this suite might be useful one day :)

My own mini pool, pond with fish, I could hear the ocean in the distance.

Down in Kuta - just not right to see Starbuck and Pizza Hut!

It was hot and not like I imagined - sooo many people yelling at me to come in their shops, buy this, do that. I just got irritated - "do you sell a sign that says NO means NO"!

In the mall I was a bit uncomfortable thinking if they bombed anywhere it would be here due to the amount of people. Kuta is where they have had several major bombings (if you didnt know) - my mother was not happy when I told her!Everything was pretty much booked out, so no choice.

Kuta Beach

Staying on the resort is best - I floated in the pool, had some drinks, read and relaxed. I had 2 nights here.

I felt so much lighter, so relaxed and happy. I was ready to come back to Sydney, catch up with friends and back to reality!

Thanks to Zen Bali and the amazing women of this retreat!

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