Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bali Adventure - first 5 days...

Bali was simply amazing! A-MAA--ZING

The flight was a direct 6 hours and expensive given the time of the year. No food and blankets were $8! They asked me to move when I was all settled in order to accommodate a for a couple with a was fine as I ended up in the bulkhead seats...lots of leg room. I then asked for a complimentary wine - they said No! $2k ticket and they cant give me a $5 glass of wine. Anyway - they ended up givin me one after accidentally givin me a beer....

Slept a bit. Got in safely and was rushed through to get a travel visa, security and my baggage was there is no time. I was prepared with all my research...One guy tried to pull my luggage off the conveyor to help - you just say no thank you otherwise they charge you!

There was a driver waiting for me, I was relieved when the first step worked out! Now, the streets and driving are nuts! They dont stay in the lanes and there are scooters everywhere! there will be like a family of 4 with a baby on the front, one carrying groceries and the other massive amount of plants. The driver just goes "dont worry about this, we just understand each other" :)

It took what seems like an hour to get to Sanur - East Coast of Bali. They waited for me with a welcome drink and walked me to my private villa. It was probably the hotest and stuffiest night - no real AC here but it was lovely.

I made it to Bali - crazy

My Welcome Drink - being careful not to drink too much with the potential of bali belly (bad water - ice)

My Villa in Sari Sanur Resort - first 2 nights here

First wild life encounter - a type of slug, gets some serious height with his head

Breakfast served on my private deck - really tasty omelet.

Venturing out to see Bali - walked along the beach which was like 3 min from my villa. It was interesting - not very nice beaches, it was ok. Just lots of Balinese that come out of the woodwork to talk to you and get you to come to their shop, get a massage, a pedicure, hair brands, etcetc.
At first I chatted with a few, declined alot, some guys just wanted to talk to me and some were all about take me on touring...negative!

the offerings and incense I read about - these are everywhere. It is ok if you step on them as they believe that once it hits the ground the gods have taken what they needed.

Circle K's on every corner

Now this is the main tourist area of Sanur - you get honked at ever 2 seconds....people trying to give you a lift. It was pretty annoying. I quickly adapted to the action - just saying No and walking away.

Met an interesting Irish couple at this Bar right by my villa - I got lost and walked all day. I needed a beer! We chatted for a few hours and watched this local Christmas Party. They told me just to not even look at the pestering locals just shoosh them away...they were a little more immune and bitter then I.

The beer of Bali

Found this romantic little spot in the sand with a little band serenading us...I read a good book, enjoyed my curry, listened to the band and watch the firework show.

the restuarant on the sand

Pool Action before I head out

More Wild Life

On the road - getting a tour to a temple

I was the only tourist and white person here - very hot and uncomfortable. They clearly did not want me there. The women were laughing at me - which I didnt mind so much but they told me I could go in any further, I didnt know better. The driver told me it is fine - I walked around and in 10 min had enough.

Pura Masceti Temple - first time getting into the temple gear which includes a Sari, sash and covered shoulders is more respectful. Women are not suppose to enter if on their Period.

Black sand beaches - this was right outside the temple. randoms walking around and more stray dogs.

little hats were poking up along the beach from the workers picking something.

I made it to UBUD - truly heaven on earth. From the moment I walked in I knew I was in for the most amazing week. Everything was customized for the guest!

Miss Tracy this and that - so cute

this was outside some new home for the week - i almost picked it up and thought I scored a beautiful shell but it was a slugs home

This place is own by one of the Prince's of Bali - it was made to look ancient but is only 8 years old.

This pool I spend many hours floating, reading and doing laps in the peace of the jungle.

This flannel pattern was on fabric in and around alot of the ceremony/religious areas.

This was the side door of my room - pretty but didnt close all the way which lil animal life would make their way in...

The actual town of Ubud

These women were amazing in terms of what they could carry on their heads!

Had a little time before the retreat so i walked through UBUD to the monkey temple forest.


Some close encounters - a lil scary but super exciting. See videos.

my second temple!

These monkey decided to Mate while someone was takin a picture of me - awesome

Caught this one mid air!!

This forrest was super cool - didnt get the history of it but behind my right shoulder there is a old door which moss and vines blocking it. There is a massive gorge where they must have been a bridge at some point.

What ever you do dont touch the monkeys - i touch the tip of ones tail and he DID not like that. he hissed and chased after me - super scary.

This is how I spent a lot of time... just being!!
The day would start with 7am Yoga for 1.5-2 hours, yummy heathly breakfast with the group, spa treatment, lunch, a swim, reading, evening restorative yoga/meditation for 1.5-2 hours, dinner, read/bath, bed. there was no TV which was sooo nice. Some of the days included tours which Ill get into below

There was a door to this little cove - when I rained I said out here to enjoy the random spot. Taking it in!

The first night we met in a group did meditation then dinner. Night 2 was these photos - we went to a temple for a purification ceremony.

Of course I was on my Period - one of the group leaders were like you should come in and do this....i told him I couldnt...oooh you are menstrating (in this cute accent). The temples are pretty power places, you cant really just go in and think no one with know.

They gave us a beautiful sari and sash as well as a incense and offering.

Another few girls didnt go in - we watched through the gate. A priest was there summoning the gods.

These are natural springs - people come from all over the world to be pruified and pray here.

The next day was our silence day - no reading, music or talking! Food delivered to our balcony. We were a loud to write - specifically to find things, negative things we want to get rid of. I spent time drawing and did a 3.5 hour massage. Amazing! These spa treatment were unbelieveable - my ears, baby fingers, toes, every little part got special attention. It was a spirtual experience - a few techniques thousands of years old. one amazing one with dripping oils on the chakras.. (energy points on the body)

More colorful snails were about the grounds.

This is the main yoga area.

The dong from the jungle would echo when ever a class was starting.

Morning were started with a high pitch bell - peacefully awaking us and we to start in meditation. No thoughts, no worries, just feeling and being in the NOW.

So this little bugger snuck in - i broke silence!! I was tryin to eat dinner and there was a stray cat (all of which are bobed tail tom cats) trying to eat my dinner and this guy - i ran back and forth trying to keep track of both. I finally asked someone to help get him out.

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