Friday, March 20, 2009

Canyon Campaign Weekend - Blue Mountains

Lizzy and I are going camping!!
We packed everything so we could train it - 2 hours up where one of the SUSS club member would pick us up. This is the club from Sydney Uni that I go caving with.

Check out my pack job - I am super impressed I could get everything on my body and still walk. Everyone made fun of how much crap I had but seriously they dont know camping.

Lizzy also joined in the "u have too much crap" but I carried all the food I didnt need to borrow or ask for anything :) lizzy had a few missing items to say the least (jacket, long johns, water, sleeping mat, etcetc) ;) not a big camper but def up for the adventure

We borrowed a big tent from Rups - it was tricky setting up in the dark, some directions and teamwork we got her done! Interesting crew of peeps but really really good with leading these trips - they brought all the equipment and really let each person take their time...doing the canyon how it is comfortable to them!
we did a canyon on Sat and on Sun - no one really gets up and goes. we went into town each day so it didnt really feel like camping. We didnt have a Car so it was weird trying to sort where we would go - the group doesnt really communicate well...the getting going part is the hardest. annoying drama.
The abseiling was intense - the adrenaline rush is crazy. it is like getting on the rope and starting is nuts - like what the hell was I thinking. The last water fall was 80ft - 30 meters...CRAZY. there was this rock lip - you had to put your knees out then somehow put your feet below on the waterfall face...lizzy went before me and flipped upside down - i freaked out! scary and cold waiting. Nickle went done with her - I was the first that had to go by myself - ahhhh. I ended up doing well - it is weird you just have to sit, push your feet straight and 90 degree the equipment. overall pretty safe.
There was some good rock jumps, rock slides, hikes, bouldering, etc..FUN!
Good to be around a fire - lizzy was sick, so we had early nights, took in the stars and had a good healthy weekend.
Nickle - we called 5 cent...has this amazing rig (showed it last year) that has a refrigerator, running hot water, solar panels, tent on the roof, heating blanket...etcetc it is sick. we got a kick out of what he would cook, shower and do - not roughin it by any means.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The laughter behind the camera...ear update

Elodie coordinated the team to sit in on Gruen Transfer taping - it is an advertising program. we had great seats!
It was my first viewing of a live taping - very live and action packed. exciting vibe. they really prep the audience, there is a comical host that intro's everything and teaches the 110% reactions we have to embrace. feels fake - the over the top laughing and clapping. fun but awkward.
they tape the audience and bunch - you dont want a pan of the audience during a joke and ur the only not laughin - the dumbass that didnt get it. The host was a little hollywood but overall fun. especially given the show was on advertising.

Night out at the Sheaf - met caity's new boy. good crowd - big place but always ends in a crazy night out. which it did!

Training for the mini Triathlon - Centennial Park biking day. Nice lil Sunday! I didnt end up getting to do the tri - my ear issues...
update on that: multiple middle ear infections caused swelling on the tube that connects to the ear - air was trapped building pressure. Specialist said if I didnt get tubes (pierce's the ear drum to let air out) that my ear drums wouldve burst when i flew. I found out tue and had the surgery on Fri.
Of course insurance is not paying much - $4-g's later I am in the middle of Grey was scary. i was in day surgery getting fully knocked out. i didnt know what i was in for - i told Jen my appt was at 7am, id be ready for pick up at seriously i had no clue.
No one really communicated the process or what to expect - it happened so quickly. I had all kinds of things taped to me, people talkin to me, transporting me, then the dr popped in and i was out.
I woke up scared as hell as i was dreaming about havin to do the surgery so when i awoke already there i was freaked, no one was around so i had to try and muster up a voice to holler for some water. i was on fasting for a while so i needed some water stat! my throat hurt - i didnt realize they put a tube down my throat - yuck.
It was like an assembly line, in and out. they forget we are people. i will never watch a hospital show the same again.
My ears hurt, something foreign is in my ears, i couldnt hear, it was freaky.... they dont give out pain meds - seriously annoying.
Jen picked me up mid day and home I went to recover. a week into it - i am still adjusting to how different everything sounds, in vehicles my ears pop, ever swallow they pop, it feels like i am under water, there is water in my ear and i cant do anything about it...URGH.
Check up is next week before i fly - hopefully all good.
Doc post op said it was way worse than he thought - ear drum was sucking in with all the pressure.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Under Down Under - My 28th!

My 4 day birthday adventure begins in Hobart Tasmania - an island off the southern part of Australia. Under Down Under! Only a few hour flight into the south part of the island - Hobart.

500k people in the state - with most in 2 cities Hobart and Launceton.

We made it - weird air pressure landing which caused some issues with my ears - pretty painful.

Thanks Jet Star - whoo hooo.

Holiday Time!!


if you need a tampon you outta luck but hey atleast you can freshen up and comb your hair with your own personal combs!

Cabbed into town

Our first place was cute

Very crisp and fresh outside - was good to be able to take some deep breath of clean air. Felt like home.

Yummy italian dinner on the cutest street in town - had an interesting mixture of pesto, ravioli and cinnamon but overall food was delicious.

Morning hotel cup of coffee before we head to pick up the car - yikes (none of us have driven on the other side of the road yet)!

Cute little shopping center off the harbor - let the picture montage begin (see slide show)

Tricycle coffee - heard it was the best

a lil triathlon practicing?

Hobart - downtown


Kristen was the first to jump in and drive - we all just focused and help out - talking through. It is very strange as you truly have to drive what really seems like the middle of the rode. you naturally will tend to hug the left - sticking away from the on coming traffic which is always good.

Tricky drive up but we lucked out with the beautiful weather

our Car - we named him Edward and we brought a TomTom navigation helper...we couldnt have done it without our boys.

some wildlife

never figured out what this was

hiked around

what a view - how Alaska is this?!?! or atleast what I imagine or seen in photos.

still havent seen a wombat!

Our next place - Friday the 13th?!?!

walked to the local and only restaurant at the best western - see slide show for some fun pics from dinner. Had a few funny runs in with the locals

Sequence and wine - kicking back. And Maura you were so "trying" to play ;)

Happy 28th to me!!! The girls were so sweeet! Kristen snuck out of bed, drove up for the breakie/coffee treats for me - the best the local corner store had - ice coffee and granola bars. HowI felt so special - they blew up balloons and I came out to start my day. OH and Happy Valentines Day!

We kicked things off with a tour of Port Author - one of the early places where countries sent their prisioners. Interesting place but the tour left a little to be desired. This was one of the first places that started prison reform and structure to better offenders. Very cruel, harsh things went on but overall a good move towards a system.

Pretty cool to walk around in the cells - so small! some interesting stories - some aristocrats were exiled here and stay in house like quarters.

Not a bad view

whos shadow is that??

Ah ha :) the girls made me wear a crown all day - not that i minded. It was super fun - birthday wishes from everyone and anyone. good convo starter - i wish people just random chatted like this all the time.

The tour guide found the American Bday Girl a good target for a laugh.

Little boat cruise around some of the islands which housed some young prision reforms.

Next Stop - Tassy Devil Park

a baby in the pouch - a joey
sooo cute

This one would be amazing at bikram

tassie devil

doesnt really look like the cartoon huh - no hurricane but they move pretty fast and grrawl

they chew through bone - everything

I drove!! 3 hours up the coast - stopped for snacks and to smell the roses

The road kill on this trip was unbelievable! very scary place to drive at night so we didnt, we were super careful and was sure to get the extra insurance!

Our next place was so cute! a bit of drama getting there and sorting out our keys. It was a cabin with so many doors, a wrap around deck, amazing views

The girls were so sweet - a really nice card with a picture of a buddha...that they got me. I have been talking about kristens for ages...thanks again. so special!

Champers with berries - good friends, good place, good convo, great bday!

so much cheese - yum! kristens popping the champers!
captured this shoot - if u look close enough the cork is mid air

taking it in!

it my bday so i dressed like a bday cake. who goes in public like this :) maura and I doing ballet moves (she was a professional ballerina)

Yoga moves - as you do...walking around checking it out. not sure much around

found the local pub which was just "right over the road on the right" like 20 minutes later. Of course we stirred up some ruckus! some old dudes took care of the drinks all night, the bar sang happy was funny all day, i'd walk in somewhere everyone would stare at my with a smirk...i was always like what are they lookin at...oh yeah I have a crown on.

The bar got crazy - dude's all over getting rowdy...we had to be taken in the side area until this cleared up, i guess they never expected gals like us in the local pub, they all wanted a in on the fun..
Proceeded to get cans of beer for shot gunning! of course

Yet another surprise - a bday cake after the pub. A little fuzzy at this point.

Hike the next morning - we are in freycinet national park which is just a beautiful place! We were struggling up this hill with our hang overs!


good visual signage in TAS

seriously i never thought id see this

The blow whole - tourist stop

We made it to Launceton - small town, nothing so great to see but a nice wine country on the outskirts.

wine tasting on our last day - i was DD. had some drama with the car - had to rent a second ride which was called Jacob for the day.

small little wineries

we didnt get a chance to see so many but had fun getting a taste of this element of tassy

James Boags Beer Tour - a center for me

hot gear - informative and fun tour, highly recommend it. very cool to see the conveyor belts - bottling, labeling, filling, etc.

Not cool to learn that the brewery is no longer in the family - after like 8 generations one family gem sells it..who does that :) not owned by a corporate house - just takes some of the charm and appeal out of it.

Beer and Cheese tasting after - good deal!

This the place we stayed at the last night - Tamar Valley. what a view over the vineyard - this building was on stilts over the hill. check it out =

take away chinese on the deck - lots of wild life came out from everywhere. very cool to see the live kangaroo in the vineyards

Yet another fun trip comes to an end. So fun to take 2 days off and get the chance to travel and have these fun times.
After the beer tour, we watched a movie in town and headed back to sydney...