Thursday, March 19, 2009

The laughter behind the camera...ear update

Elodie coordinated the team to sit in on Gruen Transfer taping - it is an advertising program. we had great seats!
It was my first viewing of a live taping - very live and action packed. exciting vibe. they really prep the audience, there is a comical host that intro's everything and teaches the 110% reactions we have to embrace. feels fake - the over the top laughing and clapping. fun but awkward.
they tape the audience and bunch - you dont want a pan of the audience during a joke and ur the only not laughin - the dumbass that didnt get it. The host was a little hollywood but overall fun. especially given the show was on advertising.

Night out at the Sheaf - met caity's new boy. good crowd - big place but always ends in a crazy night out. which it did!

Training for the mini Triathlon - Centennial Park biking day. Nice lil Sunday! I didnt end up getting to do the tri - my ear issues...
update on that: multiple middle ear infections caused swelling on the tube that connects to the ear - air was trapped building pressure. Specialist said if I didnt get tubes (pierce's the ear drum to let air out) that my ear drums wouldve burst when i flew. I found out tue and had the surgery on Fri.
Of course insurance is not paying much - $4-g's later I am in the middle of Grey was scary. i was in day surgery getting fully knocked out. i didnt know what i was in for - i told Jen my appt was at 7am, id be ready for pick up at seriously i had no clue.
No one really communicated the process or what to expect - it happened so quickly. I had all kinds of things taped to me, people talkin to me, transporting me, then the dr popped in and i was out.
I woke up scared as hell as i was dreaming about havin to do the surgery so when i awoke already there i was freaked, no one was around so i had to try and muster up a voice to holler for some water. i was on fasting for a while so i needed some water stat! my throat hurt - i didnt realize they put a tube down my throat - yuck.
It was like an assembly line, in and out. they forget we are people. i will never watch a hospital show the same again.
My ears hurt, something foreign is in my ears, i couldnt hear, it was freaky.... they dont give out pain meds - seriously annoying.
Jen picked me up mid day and home I went to recover. a week into it - i am still adjusting to how different everything sounds, in vehicles my ears pop, ever swallow they pop, it feels like i am under water, there is water in my ear and i cant do anything about it...URGH.
Check up is next week before i fly - hopefully all good.
Doc post op said it was way worse than he thought - ear drum was sucking in with all the pressure.

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