Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Getting Hitch '09 - Wisconsin Family Reunion

Lets the craziness begin!

Aunt Jane AKA Dancing Bass - doing our signature dance

Happy Birthday Ace - the girls did some shopping once we survived the flight...flew in a 2 by 1 seat plane, TINY one that crashed earlier this year, it was winter and all when that happened...after several drinks with dad it was a smooth flight!

took so long they pulled our baggage into storage, major airport drama....then we realized we left out video camera plane

Leroy!! so old and sadly passed away recently, miss u puppy!

Music, drinks and family! I LOVE MY FAMILY


Of course it always starts with tequila!

our cute rentals

our house on the golf course


my uncle john and aunt janes house, super cute

Scoots took us all for a scoot - was scared at first, much different than a dirt bike. so much fun, minus the big bug that flew down my shirt, yuck.

Me and my bro!

Mel and I enjoying a cocktail after our scooter ride

the whole fam showed up for a great lunch

Dinner before the big night - my mom, aunt laura and john - what a cute family

Bride and Groom speeches!

lots of toasting went on

and laughs

frocked up - my mother was playing match maker and I was sooo embarrassed to be the center of the hook-up-the-single-girl drama. annoying

groomsman rode these in - how cute. except the fact one did a nose dive on the way in...

So my friend in seattle showed me this pose that makes you look skinny, so we laughed and tried to do it every shot

beautiful wedding

Mr and Mrs!!

the glowing couple!

Before the drinks :) what a cute couple

lets the drinks begin - cop glasses on


ever pic mom was hands in the air, mouth open! having a great time

we tore up the dance floor

mom and dad always get one dance in

the cousins

Morning after sucked - lets just say it was fuzzy from about 11 onwards, headache!

went to the Jarvis Family BBQ - got to see ALL my family on both sides. so great!

so many kids and counsin didnt know who was who..

Mel's bday! a little italian food

And one BIG drink

made mom try on lots of different glasses, she looked like the chick from Scoobie Doo huh

annnd she finished the drink

we got a special tour of the Observatory! Elbert Einstien worked here, it was amazing! very cool

so nice - my aunt jane called in a favor and it worked out

HOW cool - one of the biggest telescopes, still on the wood platform they build in the 1800's...the floor moves and the ceiling opens...crazy that they built this technology way back when...

you can push the telescope, hang on and you swing up with gravity pulling u down...

When down stairs we met one man that has been working there for like 60 years and his father was there before him. He explained his work and life - half of the year spent on the south pole, best environement for astromners.

If I wasnt doing what I am doing, it would be something in this field.

when one of the architects died, he requested all his notes be burned, so they do not know alot about the building. I think it was rockefeller or some main contributor of funding that this pic was carved in the pillars with a bee on the nose, they had each one chiseled off due to the community concern around his funding. the architect was quiet the joker, but lots of cool elements to this building!

The Town of Lake Geneva

BYE - sniffle sniffle

oh one more lunch - now I was confused and so was justin. "women lovers" which door to use?

We visited Nannie - had a good cry, but felt good to be here again

So please ensure you are going 26 - not 25 or 30 but yes the speed limit is 26?!?!

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