Monday, June 15, 2009

Home Sweet Home - Washington First Stop

I made it home!! Another long adventure - with an unexpected delay in San Fran, after not sleeping much the 14 hour leg I did not want more time in the airport!

I ran off the plane so fast...saw my mom and she ran to me..dropping all stuff. it is the moment I wait sooo long for. Count Down starts like 120 days prior. Dad, mom and me hugged and cried!

Family came over for a night of home cook food and catching up!

It is SOOO weird to be driving down I5, into Tacoma, past everyone i know...stepping in my parents house is a trip! Then seeing cooners, Melissa, Amber, Kylee...grandma, shanda..such a blessing to be home!

Kylee and Brody are sooo big!

minus my tan...can u see the resemblance!


good ole home cooked meal..miss ur food dad!

Kylee has just blossomed - talking and running around! She is all about Hannah Montana..she did a dance and singing concert.

bordy just ran around naked - sooo funny!

of course jet lag is not going to get in the way of a game of sequence after everyone left!

Representing Australia in my sweatshirt!

my babies!!


mom and I had a blast, words cant explain...yes I am a bingo nut! al those old people with oxygen tanks dont know what to think about us in there

I won once!!

said good bye to ollie - shed some tears! he is going to a good home but I miss him daily!

OLIVE GARDEN - all you can eat soup, salad and bread sticks...yum. my whole trip was around food

Spend some time at the bros house - missed the boys (duke and drake)


Fawna's baby shower - something is in water... deanna is also prego - due the same time as josh/fawna (josh is her brother!). Sooo weird josh is going to be a daddy, we are grown up...

All the girls have gone dark hair - looks great. inspire me to finally do it.

Aubrey is sooo big - that is deanna's first one. so good to see everyone. Alot of the girls from wes/mel wedding were here.

me and the prego gals!

Following the baby shower it was my dad 60th party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was great as everyone was there...

Marni and Emma!

My bro - now the great to see him

all the old camping people! so fun to see them

The Vigs girls - great to see them and their families! they babysat me when I was a baby...

The Ryan family - i missed you all so much and do ever day.

good home cooked food

The Whites

Dad and i went to our fav spot - quality time. we go each time i am there, take a pic and a coaster. we chat with the staff, laugh and drink beers

Easter weekend - of course I colored eggs

A day up in seattle - I only had like a week in washington. I took dads truck up to the city, i forgot how to drive and in a city. a bit of a panic, especially since a mariners game was on.

the old office - walked around for 4 hours and caught up with was fun! headed back down to tacoma to meet mom for some more bingo

Graham crackers - time for a smoores

BYE bucky - he is going to a retreat as the family is all going to wisconsin for a reunion/wedding. Getting Hitched '09

My baby - its is so hard not to be with her...sooo pretty
She loves her window, always trying to get outside

my parents neighbors - nice rocks, statues and fake geese huh! yuck

my parents house

mom and i went for walks, feed the horses...they loved me

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