Thursday, September 10, 2009

The mice will play when the cat is away (at work)...

I worked during the week Mon - Thur. I posted pics below from the week.

Monday: day in bondi, shopping, cleaning and flooding my house! did laundry and didnt take the plug out of my floor is super clean now! AND this is the day Uncle John helped me get clean :) he noticed I was using Fabric Softener NOT soap!! YUCK. you live and you learn right :) Dad made a nice home cooked meal, watch tv and relaxed!

Tuesday dad work up with a horrible jaw ache, as in cant open his mouth! i had a spare RX which I filled and got him on pain pills. he was bed ridden all day while uncle john road the ferrys around. He made a pork chop dinner but couldnt eat :(

Wed - thank god, dad woke up feeling a bit better. They went to the butchers for steaks, had some afternoon drinks at their locals (tiki bar and the Tucker). Made their way into town for a YUMMY twainese dumpling dinner, followed by some Sake shots and beers. More firsts...i had to celebrate after a big presentation!

Thursday - beside having a headache and learning that I lost my client (as expected)....the guys came into the city for a Vietnamese lunch in china town, drinks at their spot in the cross, then a steak/potatoe/corn on the cob dinner. YUM! Lizzy came over to meet the guys and play some sequence. I had Friday off - weekend post to come next....

The local bartender at the Tiki Bar - new zealander. They enjoyed talking to the locals...

Harry's Cafe!! famous meat pie spot - jumping photo

first aussie meat pie

our less than appetizing Vietnamese lunch and horrible service :( cant win all of them! just leaves a bad taste in the tummy..

Had a fun time at lunch anyway

dad loved it!! all the gross body parts in the soup, including Bull Balls.

took them for some shopping in paddies market - lots of cheap tourist stuff

this was the restaurant - wouldnt recommend it however some peeps still swear by it

No pics from our quiet tuesday...but this is the end of our crazy Wed City adventure...

Good beers

Ravisis at midnight on a school night?! the guys are troopers, we dragged uncle john...he was dying to get on facebook

our sake shots - first time for the guys. They wont let us buy the cute containers used to drinks them..i knew mom would have slide it in her purse!

ruckus in the city!

john loved the sushi train action

in world square - dad loved all the big buildings around, surreal to him

great vibe in this place, i go weekly! love it!


Uncle John loved the steamers...he uses alot at home to cook with

my fav

lots of food, dad was able to eat finally!

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