Sunday, February 7, 2010

More Last...

Caity and I finally hit up CBD for a champers at Establishment, Bavarian Beer Cafe and a few others. Aranka came by for a bit, Elodie never made it out of the post work drinks at Bar Reggio...i stopped by which was fun.

Packing has been a nightmare - garage sale, no garage sales...what to pack what to throw. Seriously I throw SO MUCH away, which is so good for me...letting go, cleaning out the unnecessary. I took at least 7 black garage bags of clothes to the good will. It feel good to only have 4 suitcases of stuff.

I cant tell you how big this spider was - on the wall of my apartment...outside. He was so QUICK, i couldnt get another close enough for perspective. I swear it was as big as my head.

Squeezing in nights out with peeps - time is going so fast. Ali and Mel - drinks at Dr Pongs. Saunders stopped in. Then mel and went to The Bootleg in Potts Points for a mass amount of gourmet food.

OH and the bats!! i will miss seeing these large crazy things fly by each day...

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