Monday, December 17, 2007

Office Christmas Party Weekend

BBQ on Bronte Friday Afternoon - sooo much fun! Went for my second swim in the ocean - we went in the waves but it was like a wash machine out there...I ended up in this section blocked by rocks, nice little swim, very relaxing. Played volleyball, cricket, footy and some Frisbee. Lot of fun, good to get out of the office before it was dark out....

Jen and I on the left - the "star" of my blog postings joke, haha.
Kai below is trying to be quite the stud or something :)


Ali's Double fisted

Jane, me, Claudia and Jen

Stephan broke his collar bone during a break away Tri (touchdown) while playing footy - totally unecessary jump dive, roll which turned out to be bad news!! ouch.

Went to my first Cricket game - had box seats; however a taste of seattle weather hit and the game was bascially cancelled. We got to see a few plays....this game last 8 hours?!?! crazy. Anyway the Washington weather keeps creeping into the forecast...I hear it is not typical, kind of like the Moth were not typical. We got free food, good drinks and some time with our clients, Aussie.

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