Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Luna Park - Sydney Winter

Winter is definitely here! Even though it is not as cold, crisp and dreary as still gets dark early and the jackets/scarfs are out.

Weight Watchers business meeting was at Luna Park, we were invited as the first agency a nice bottle of champagne from the client thanking us for the hard work. Always a good thing. Beautiful day, rode on the rides, played some games....doing the puyallup down under.
OH can i just say I am a wussy these days, got all dizzy...equilibrium thrown off on some wienie rides. I think I was more scared the shit was going to fall apart on me, headline news "american dies in historical fair in sydney when the faulty bolts wiggles loose"

BBQ at Kristen's new house - went to Kristen E's house for some pre funk and takin in the view...her roof top is amazing...very reminiscent to my place in seattle. What a view!

Esther, Jodes and me

Something about the tongue handing out all night..hmmm.

Kristen's dad was good laughs - very Kris Kringle.

Drinkin wine out of the plastic cup is made classy only with the pinky sticking out - or so that was the thing to do this night.

After party in Bondi - if you cant finish your drink in the bar just take it the nice glass serving pitcher. Jo kris's friend from the US was a lot of fun (hided behind her jacket is our pitcher of drink)!! $$$

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