Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sex and the City!

Recently we went with a publisher (Drive - thanks jodes!) and did the Gold Class Cinema... how will one go back to old rickety theater, we got first class service...full food and drink service. Such a girly fun night... reclining, sipping champers and taking in some classic girl time! Well Kai did join too....and he loooved Sex and the City - 2 hour chick flick and he thought it "was well written" can turn any man metro :)

BTW - how wild was the Sexy and the City worldwide craze...seemed massive here, curious if this was felt in the states...

Yet more pics from my balcony - lovely rainbow action on a Sunday arvo - had a good artsie weekend..went to several exhibits including the BIENNALE '08 in the Sydney Museum of Contemporary Arts.

After a big Aussie competitive presentation Kai and I unwound at the infamous Lowenbrau - Bavarian bar in the Rocks.

Amazing sunrises from my balcony - I wake up at sunrise snap the photo and im out again. wish I could stay says i will have the "change" where I go to bed early and get up early....still waiting and wanting that :)

Finally got to see an AFL game - Aussie rules football. Def more action than Footy (rugby) and even better in the suites with the Aussie Bank Client. Did some beating - I had to go under dogs but it didnt pay off! OH and we saw the Dalai lama - how cool was that. We thought they were some monks on the field after the end (as we were closing down the suites drinking the last of the free booze of course) - what does one say? Bec "com ba lam my lord" :)

Italian festival - I can see this from my balcony...too
many peeps Kristen and I just walk thru, hit a pizza joint on the outskirts and walk/shop the sunday afternoon away. I miss Sydney summers and will be here soon!

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