Sunday, March 2, 2008

Fun w/ Kai and Jodes: First Rugby Game, First Surf and Sunday outting

Aussie invited us to the suite - a lot of fun to watch a Rugby game. It was Sydney vs Canberra so Washington State vs UDub...a little rivalry in the air.
To anyone who thinks American Football is full contact has never watched this sport. No pads and just full on contact.

The mascot was mistaken for the recycle man - he was a dorky blue dude and people would beat up on him when he ran by - he was like a kid trying really hard to be cool but just gets bullied.

A Sunday snorkel trip at Little Bay. Kai and Jodie bought a car so now there is more opportunities to get outside of the city. It feels like leaving seattle - good to see what else is out there.

The beach was small, water very clear but kind of dirty in there. We did come upon this school of small knife shaped fishes - like 1000 all around, very National Geographic.

Wine festival was going on in Hyde Park - we missed the gist of that event so had a yummy pizza dinner.

Wine babies

Hangin 10 on Bondi - the lesson was pretty lame, they basically give you some tips which I guess were helpful and essential. We did not go out very deep, it took me a second not think about sharks. The big form board was really easy - it was surprising how easy and really fun! The hot surf instructor told me I caught on really fast and did well. Too bad I went again this week after work and is all about the board.

Post surf dinner - my first burger since i left the states and it was yummy. It was a cute joint on the beach - small burgers so you can try multiple ones and the onion rings came in a mini shopping cart (Nannie would love this place).

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