Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fun and Work - in the same sentence

Work is full on lately - we are flat out. We are hiring 5-8 people in the next few months so inquire within!
Hankie curled up next to my desk - he is cute, stinky but a character to take our minds off the stress.

Tempest boys took us out to a yummy friday boozie lunch, amazing food, atmosphere and good company. Love them.

Jen and I have been team workin some tight parkin spot - parallel parking champs. We headed to a concert in the basement with the Sensis publisher.

Last minute awards night with Ad Conion - IAB awards. I had no idea what was ahead- it is good as I am starting to really know the peeps in the industry. It is a small world - when we get together there is trouble...same story as in the states.
Did some gambling at the Casino (hint dont take pics at the table - Ocean 11), dancing til early hours of the morning...lets just say i was unproductive the next work day, well the whole industry was MIA.

Kristen was all about pics and "home and away" - she was 3 champagnes in when I got there, 100 pictures at dinner later we were posing for an Aussie Soap Home and Away.

Amnesia represented!

serious home and away pic

No one paid attention to the actual awards - but our table clearly had the most fun...pretending to be the big winners when the award was called..classic.

Paintball day - Cotton vs Cashmere...this day I found myself being more cashmere - an analogy for high im more faux mere these days. Jen was completely hung over so getting there safely was key - it was like 2 hour drive to BFE.

We were full of whining, feeling this boy sport was just too much. The guns were heavy and reality hits that we are going to have to do this...strategy time, offense was our tactic..

Game 1 - all 5 girls were hurdling behind the same barrier - in tears laughing, we soon got some strategy going. I shot no paintballs game one. Game 2 was on - 400 bullets later I got em...we rocked as a team. The other team lied, cheated and got spanked by us. I ended up shooting more bullets than all the boys (smartly they held off - the bullets are big $$). We were front line, so much more fun than I ever imagined. and yes it hurts!

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