Monday, May 19, 2008

More Aussie Sports

More horse race action - did a half day publisher event at Ranwick. Kai, Jen and I got "frocked up" (Aussie for dressed up) for a tame day away from the craziness of work.

Jodie and I did a craft night - made our own Facinators (excessive hair pieces) for the next horse race events. These things are hundreds of dollars so for $5 we made some (gotta love Spotlight which is the ben jamin franklins of Aussie).

Elodie (my new assistant) and I have been surfing on Sundays - board rentals are only $15 for a few hours, it is a good workout and a ton of fun. usually I am thinking only about sharks for the first 15 minutes... We have a ball trying to catch the waves, with Elodie's advice I have picked up swimming with finesse vs my frantic paddles.

Rugby League Game - different than Rugby Union which I went to early this year. This is similar to football in a sense that is has specific amount of "down's" - 6 then you have to kick it or it switches side after tackled. 13 players - forwards and backs, there is no separate offensive/defensive teams, like soccer you play both. Anyway Elodie and I met a publisher at the homebush stadium for a suite game. Death to free events during an attempted detox!

Afterward the game, popped into a store right across the street and found some cool cheap knicknacks. I found all stuff for painting so painted the abstract pic below titled Transform (at this point up for interpretation).

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