Monday, May 12, 2008

Fraser Island Trip!! 4 days in paradise

I was told my pictures and commentary on my blog dont match so unfortunate!! i spend a lot of time aligning everything but whateva until I can figure it out...below is everything Fraser Island:

Flying into the Hervey Bay was amazing - 1.5 hours. I didnt look outside too much as I still have my fear of flying. Im getting better, didnt have to get too drunk before the flight - only a few doubles :)

The airport was tiny - I mean only one plane on the runway, pretty freaked about that fact.

We stayed at Kingfisher Bay resort on Fraser Island (which i was told just recently it is pronounced like Frazor) had no idea was the expect because we found an all exclusive cheap deal. Very humid and tropical once we stepped on the tarmac...the vacation moments hit, we are here!!

Did some shopping, had lunch and yummy mango daiquiris in the bay. So excited for the adventure ahead! This is the largest sand island is the world - long skinny island approximately 155 miles long. Even though the island is sand it is still very lush, with breath taking beaches, natural lakes, white sands and rolling sand dunes.

Took a Ferry for 45 minutes to the Island, beautiful trip. Below you can see the resort from the water.

By the time we got to the island and got situated it was late. We stayed in the backpackers area of this massive resort. We opted into share a room with people...I was not big on this but it saves us each $ these potential roomies had their stuff was all over and every bed slept in....we considered upgrading to the resort for an excessive amount but finally got moved into another lodge...which we somehow ended up having to ourselves the whole weekend $$$.

The lodge has 6 rooms with 4 people/beds to each, shared bathrooms and common area. The beds were the loudest most uncomfortable things ever. I felt like a little kid again on the bunk...

We had an alright dinner (buffet style each night), played some old school pac man and pool in the Dingo Bar. At one one, Kristen waved to someone...ummm whats the chance of knowin someone here... weird!!! wellll actual the wave was for the girl behind Kristen - classic moment.

Each day we headed out on a day of touring.

360 degrees of beauty on Indian Head Look out and blue ocean - amazing. We were not allowed to swim in the waters - even going in knee deep was dangerous as it is heavily shark invested and they come in that close to the beach.

We took a peaceful stroll up the Eli creek where they supposedly where eels - yuck. big spiders were def around.

Took several rainforest walks out on several of our tours.

The resort had an amazing warm pool we took advantage of and a "hot" tub...Kristen learned a good lesson - dont dive into an unknown pool at night - she almost lost her face.

Below are the Lodges we stayed in:

Wild Life!!!

We visited Basin Lake - not aloud to swim in due to the high amount of people the turtles have died off.

Several nights outside the Jetty Hut with Champers, cheese and an island sunset....the stars were unbelievable..breath taking!

Tour group lunch in between our hiking - felt like a little kid in camp again, little juice box and all. Very fun group, we got to see every main thing on the island!

The white tree trunks were stunning in person - the eucalyptic tree shed their bark.

then the other trees had this fungus - green stuff growing out random sides of the trunk.

We met 2 fun girls from Wales in the UK - they are travelin the world....we had a blast with them throughout our hikes, and into the night.

Good travel tip: in the UK, the peace sign faced outwards and quickly pushed upwards is not a friendly symbol but rather F U - um good to know. "Why", you ask? welll apparently back in the day the British would cut off the 2 trigger fingers of catpured soliders - so this sign is a way of mocking those people that no longer have those fingers as a "haha"

Massive tree we are hugging!

The Dingo Story: I was all about seeing the Dingo; wild wolf dog. We were on the infamous Lake McKenzie - natural lake, beautiful blue rain water with amazing white soft sand; excellent for exfoliating :) We were told not to have ANY food with us, gum wrappers, crums, nothing! We walked to the other side away from the crowd to hang out in paradise. then as I turn around on the towel and Dingo was up on happened rather quickly. I grabbed my brush as defense, he came close as in on my towel - I was taking pictures this whole nerve racking experience. Kristen was telling me not to move - and "stop taking pictures"... we were scared, shaken...he starts to go throw my bag with his nose, Kristen again tells me to "let him take what he wants" - um not my coach bag, passport. Well he proceeded to find an apple - yes I forgot about the apple. Oops!!! my bad. He came back a few times and the ordeal continued - what an adventure!

OH and at one point we back to the water thinking he wouldnt come there - the darn Dingo decides to sit on my shoes and clean himself.

Redefining Snow Angles Down Under:

Found a camp fire - lovin the good ole camp fire smoke smell...

After some hot tubbing and daiquiris- we headed into the bathroom hand dryers to get warm, Kristen was questioning my solution to a being cold dilemma...253 solution, golden...

Our tour guide told about these little worms or caterpillars that make these wiggle marks around the trunk of the tree, from birth they make their way down getting nutrients and never cross over their trail, until they hatch and fly away.

Amazing sand color on the island - natural changes in color with different elements. There were these little perfect balls everywhere - maybe from wind. There is not much rock on the island but hard formation of sand that feel/look like rock.

Maheno Shipwreck - sounds cooler than it was, just a old ship being towed and got off track.

More pics from the hike up to Indian Head.

Champagne Pools - white water from the waves crash over these rocks and create a formy fizzy pool of fun!

Sting Ray! So cool - looks like a pengiun face..

More color sand - looks like rocks...

Below are pics of the fun with the girls on the beach - champagne, cheese, sunset, music, stars, D&Ms (deep and meaningful convo) and crazy dance parties...routines with our legs - like synchronized swimming but on your back in the sand....dont ask. We had more champagne in the hot tub, missed dinner and somehow got a gourmet massive dinner for free in the main resort; pulled the lost tourist card.

Check out the massive grasshopper below - yuck!! Everything may be bigger in Texas but it is massive down under.

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