Wednesday, November 5, 2008


What an election! Truly a monumental moment...I followed the election online throughout the day, it was very exciting watching the states turn blue/red, especially when Florida went blue. I kept twitter comments on one screen, listened to MSNBC live and tried to work :) i love soon as all the news started "callin it", Kai and I ran out the door, wavin an US flag :) and headed to a democratic party near by...

It was nothing like I expected - walked in and ran into a bunch of my american friends, everyone was hugging, crying, cameras were everywhere...I havent felt this connection with America since 9/11...

Yes a new president isnt going to just magically make everything better. But hope and change is what we needed as a country. It changes the face of american from a global perspective. I finally dont feel like such a joke as we are with bush in office. Both their speeches were spot on and admirable. YES WE CAN and DID...and everyone needs to take action for change to happen. An african american president - amazing historical event that is so wonderful to see my lifetime.

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