Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A few Nights Out

Meet some peeps at a Summer Party a few weekends back. Ironically enough it poured rain - seriously flooding of the streets. I will tell you what the rain was really nice to get - walking up with the rain was like home sweet home.... refreshing. It is funny i keep meeting Americans and i did meet some fun single gals... did some shopping with them...I am not used to the fashion yet but it highlighted some of the differences. I need to stock up on my dresses!

Girls Night Out: checked out a bday party at a bar in bondi junction where we tended to be the oldest people there :) laughed a lot, ventured to a random house party... which was broke up by the cops shortly after we left. Flash back to college days...not trying to be arrested down under. Ended up dancing at the Burdekin of all places...literally half a block from my apartment.

Dinner on Uncle Gates - well deserved after all we went through to get here :) One of the best restaurants in Sydney - great view, awesome food and a huge firework show over the opera house...

Left - pic of the floor of the entry into the building where the restaurant is...it is a model of the city - pretty cool.

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