Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Misc Updates

My condo was finally rented in the states, thank god! It is nice to be getting everything done; got my health insurance figured out today, so many little things to wrap up still...
I signed up for my next Triathlon - it is in February...i gave myself a lot of time to get into the training, i found a guy at work who is doing it with me..i need more training support....Andrea where you at? Move down under...ha ha.

Work is crazy busy. I have a steep learning curve thats forsure. It is funny how people point out how everything I do is so American - where that is because I AM! I do not recall if I blogged about this yet...but I was drinking coffee from a straw as I do in the mornings to help protect my teeth - well that just got a huge rise out of everyone in the office...it is so "weird". And everything they do is so "normal"...riiight. Coffee is a big part of the Aussie culture - it is not the typical American Coffee or "drip" coffee...It is a lot stronger and I have to say I am starting to really like a good cup of coffee! My new office mate is teaching a lot of the aussie culture - shes got me hooked on a good Skinny Flat White...

We have a really good team - short staffed a bit but good. Jen started with me - we are complete opposites with everything but that is the brilliant thing...we balance eat other out.

A few Fridays ago we were all having a looong week - literally working a good 50-60 hours...so we went out to lunch, had a beer and 5 hours later we were still there :) Well they had Big Bucker hunter - lets just say Graham came out...nothing wrong with that! I schooled them in huntin buck :) Jen was a bit frightened at my skillz. Tee Hee.

We are playing on a Oz Tag team - I dont think I blogged about this yet? I havent not actually played a game which I feel horrible about!! I am one of those girls who sign up to commit to the team and dont show up...i hate them! Well I have been seriously stressed and have a valid excuse...but anyway this game is crazy backwards. So the ball is larger than a football, you throw it underhand AND backwards!! There is no forward momentum...really. We practiced once and this girl was makin fun of me when I intercepted and didnt know what to do.... look here biatch never seen this ball or heard of this game before a few days ago so back off! I hate being bad a sports...all the teammates were yelling at us to do this and yet...ya know in seattle we drink beer and bowl....there is no yellin!

Ok - will write more soon. Its late.

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